
Thenumberonequestionis,How?Howdoesitfeelnowthatyouon?Howmuchyouworth?Howbigisyourhome?Howcomeyouwon'tgetafewfeatures?Ithink ...,KOD.J.Cole.Go,go,goGo,go,goGo,go,goGo,go,goThisiswhatyoucallaflipTenkeysfromaquarterbrickBentleyfromhismama'swhipK.O.D.,he ...,KODLyrics...Thenumberonequestionis,How?Howdoesitfeelnowthatyouon?Howmuchyouworth?Howbigisyourhome?Howcomeyouwon'tgetafew ...,Thenumberoneques...

J. Cole

The number one question is, How? How does it feel now that you on? How much you worth? How big is your home? How come you won't get a few features? I think ...

Lyrics of KOD

KOD. J. Cole. Go, go, go Go, go, go Go, go, go Go, go, go This is what you call a flip Ten keys from a quarter brick Bentley from his mama's whip K.O.D., he ...

KOD Lyrics

KOD Lyrics ... The number one question is, How? How does it feel now that you on? How much you worth? How big is your home? How come you won't get a few ...

J. Cole KOD Lyrics

The number one question is, How? How does it feel now that you on? How much you worth? How big is your home? How come you won't get ...


2018年4月20日 — KOD-歌詞- Go, go, go Go, go, go Go, go, go Go, go, go This is what you call a flip Ten keys from a quarter brick Bentley from his mama's ...

KOD Lyrics and Tracklist

2018年4月20日 — 1985 Lyrics · “KOD” Q&A · More J. Cole albums ...


How does it feel now that you on? How much you worth? How big is your home? How come you won't get a few features? I think you should? How 'bout I don't?

J. Cole

2018年4月20日 — KOD Lyrics: Go, go, go / Go, go, go / Go, go, go / Go, go, go / This is what you call a flip / Ten keys from a quarter brick / Bentley from ...